The correct knob is part number 704879. TRF sells it for $4.25 and
yes it has a depiction of a speedometer face on it
Karl Theis
From: Andrew Mace on Wed, Nov 13, 1996 2:32 AM
Subject: Re: Spit Lightswitch
> If I am correct that the original switch simply controlled the
lights for
> the gauges, then I may be able to make the existing switch work
(except that
> the knob has that funny little diagram of a broken rear axle on it,
> course)....
Perhaps this knob is not as readily available as the other
"pictographic" Spitfire/TR4-style knobs. I noticed this year at the
national meet in Albany that at least one of the early Spitfires
(perhaps more) had the incorrect knob for the instrument lighting
switch. It should depict a speedometer face, more or less. In other
markets, where this switch was the main lighting switch, the knob
show an illuminated headlamp or similar, as I believe is commonly
in the earlier TR4.