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TR7 to V8 conversion

To: <>
Subject: TR7 to V8 conversion
From: "Sean Johnson" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 96 12:52:13 -30000
I've been toying with the idea of buying a TR7, and doing a V8 conversion 
with the Rimmers kit.  I read an article forom the SOL web page of one hardy 
soul who did the conversion, but he took some pride in updating an old U.S. 
spec engine.  The list of changes and tweaks was long, and demonstrated that 
this guy had a profound practical knowledge of how exhaust and fuel injection 
systems work.  I'm not bad, but I'm not in that class of mechanic.

I like the idea of making the conversion; I don't like the idea of spending 
untold hours and extra $ getting it right.  Common sense suggests that U.S.-
spec 215 v8's have as much in common with their later English counterparts as 
a modern Corvette 350 engine has with a 1968 model.

Does anybody have first hand knowledge of this conversion, and would be 
willing to share their experiences?  Is there a preferred engine or year that 
would basically bolt into a '79-81 TR7?  Or, am I wrong and any decent 215 
will work?  I'm sure Rimmers would happily sell me the engine plus kit, but 
the total cost would make it less expensive to buy a TR8.

thanks in advance for information.


Sean Johnson

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