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Subject: carspotting
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 17:43:33 -0500
Well, as if I don't have anything better to do, I watched "Four
Weddings And a Funeral" when it was on TV the other night.
As they leave the church after the first wedding, they pass in
front of a car that could be a Vitesse.  All I saw was the slanted
dual headlamps on each side, the side of the car was blocked
from view.

Was the Vitesse the only British car with this headlamp arrangement?
Did I successfully spot a Vitesse on TV in under .7 seconds?
Should I ask Andy Mace about joining the Herald/Vitesse/Sports Six
Spotters Anonymous?

Dave Williamson  (  Spits in bits
Who actually has to go to a wedding this weekend.

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