Bill Munts wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I need some wisdom from the early Spitfire guys with cars with tandem master
> cylinders. I'm having problems with the primary piston seal. I purchased the
> rebuild kit from Vicky Brit (TRF was out of stock). The first attempt
> in the primary seal showing a split after I rebuilt the MC and attempted to
> it. I called Vicky Brit and they replaced the seal. The second time around
> the seal split while putting it on. I'm pretty sure I'm installing it
> correctly, I'm using brake fluid to oil it up and taking my time with it. I
> can only see one way on with this thing.
> I began to examine the seals (original vs replacement) after I regained my
> composure last night. The seals are both made in Australia but are marked
> somewhat differently and have different physical dimensions as follows.
> Original = Marked as 25 P4640
> I.D. = .3275"
> O.D. = .7450"
> Thickness = .2500"
> Replacement = Marked as 24 P4640
> I.D. = .2875"
> O.D. = .7400"
> Thickness = .2400"
> I can put the original seal on without too much trouble, but the replacement
> simply will not go. I don't think prolonged exposure to brake fluid would
> account for the original seal having consistently larger dimensions. My
> experience (professional) with seals in fluid handling show that seals tend to
> grow in one dimension and not equally. Has anyone else had this same problem?
> Is it likely that VB has the wrong seal in the kit?
> Thanks for your help.
> Bill M.
> '70 Spitfire Mk3
I'll try to do some checking this weekend - if time permits. I, too,
have a '70 Spitfire Mk. 3 (the US version), and am pulling out the
motor & gearbox on Saturday, then blocking the frame and setting up to
start floor and sill removals/rework over the next few weeks.
If I can at all, I'll look, since I have my original seal, as well as
a rebuild kit I haven't opened yet. (I also got the kit from VB.)
Martin Libhart
Wichita, KS
1970 Spitfire-In-Progress