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Re: Spitfire Light Switch

Subject: Re: Spitfire Light Switch
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 14:13:55 -0500
Hey Ross,

Are you sure the Mk III switch would be a replacement ?  The '69 Mk III
that I had 20 yrs ago had a cheapo little rocker switch in the center of
the dash -- made by Clear Hooters, I think (uh-oh) -- that had a habit of
jumping out of the dash when I attempted to switch on the lights, at the
same time launching its guts -- a BB and a ball-point pen spring -- into
the cracks between the seats.  Of course, it would be dark out, why else
would I be switching on the lights, so I would need to find the pieces by
the Braille method and re-assemble using a lighter, both for light and to
attempt to melt the little plastic spring-tabs back into position to hold
the whole mess in where it belonged.

Is this the type of switch you seek ?  I don't know where it was located
on the earlier Marks.

Best regards,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio

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