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Re: Triumph Parts in Alabama?

Subject: Re: Triumph Parts in Alabama?
From: (J. Stovall)
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 04:10:06 -0800 (PST)
>     Scions in the Heart of Dixie,
>     I will be traveling to Northern Alabama in the next few weeks.  I will
>     fly into Birmingham and spend a week in Guntersville.  While in
>     Guntersville,  my usual after hour haunts include the Catfish Cabin
>     (their marque is a 10' blue neon catfish that winks), Bubba's Steak
>     House, Macs Landing and Clarence's Legion Field Ribshack.
>     I thought that this time I would look for some parts for my GT6+, so,
>     if anyone out there knows of any salvage yards and/or other sources of
>     parts in the Birmingham or Huntsville areas, please let me know.
>     Regards,
>     Zenon

        There's a city called Zip City (yup, I'm serious, that the name)
where there's appranetly a big wharehouse/garage full of British car stuff.
I've heard they even have an Apollo in there, as well as a mass graveyard
for Spits. I don't have a clue where it is, or how close to Guntersville it
is, but it's probably be worht looking up. I don't know how true the rumors
are about all the stuff they have, but I've heard a couple first-hand
accounts, and they are prtty much the same to the above extent.

Feel free to e-mail for any more info!

Jeff Stovall
"I'm God's gift to humility."
1966 Triumph GT6 mk1

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