At 01:12 AM 11/5/96 -0600, scott suhring wrote:
>Dear Scott:
>Unfortunately we do not publish that particular manual at this time. You may
>contact Cook's Distribution which handles our Haynes out of print manuals at
>1-818-330-3395.If you can not find any manuals for your TR6 please call me
>at 1-800-4-Haynes between &:45am and $:30Pm PST. and I can give you some
>other suggestions.
>Thank You for yiour interest in Haynes Manuals.
>Sincerely, Carl Armstrong
>Technical Services
I talked to Cook's Distribution - and they are all out. They referred me to
Classic Motorbooks - but they are all out as well. Any other good source for
this Haynes TR6 manual?
Michael Noerregaard \\\\|//// Ph: (512) 385 9714
2430 Cromwell C, apt. 1306 \\\|///
Austin, TX 78741 ( O O )
--------------------------oOOo-(_) oOOo------------------------------
MBA Class of 1997 - graduating in December 1996
Operations Management