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Re: Rear Oil Seal

To: <>, "triumph" <>
Subject: Re: Rear Oil Seal
From: John Matthews <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 96 09:28:26 -0800
>Has anyone installed the kit
>or one like it, and if so, are there favorable  or unfavorable reports?

When I repaired the transmission on my Herald I simply took the old "seal 
housing" to a local machine shop with a replacement rear engine seal (the 
modern type) and had them machine it to fit. I did not have any machine work 
done on the crank, and I haven't had any problems with leaks since. I am not 
familiar with the kits, but if you can get the seal you need, and modify the 
housing, it may just work. Just my .02¢.


John Matthews
'61 & '65 Heralds
Cupertino, CA USA

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