>Hi My GT-6+ always does this until it is toally warmed up. Infact the other
>cars I've owned have (SU's Strombergs) have done this too.. Until the car is
>all the way up to running temp it needs a richer mixture. When the throttle
>is blipped and shes not ready to go you'll know!! I've seen much debate
>about what oil to use in dashpots and, short of buying the "dashpot" oil I'm
>not sure what works best. I've used everything from ATF to 20w-50. Most of
>these were porbably wrong but it ran. If you get anything good on this topic
>drop me a line.
>See ya
>Jeff Smythe
>70 GT-6+
Turned out most of my prob was that the timing was set too high. I
brought it down by ear, and it worked great, but then I went out and bought
a timing light and that seems to have opened up a whole new can of worms.
Oh, well. Anyway, except for general light popping when warming up, it
seems to work out pretty well. If I don't have to woek tonight I'm going to
try and give it a good tune, minus teh prefecto timing.
I'm not sure about the dsahpot oil eithier. It's unhappy when the
engine's warm and the oil in the dashpot's cold. I'm going to try a couple
more different weights, but I'll probably just end up buying the dashpost
oil itslef. Once again, oh, well.
Hope this has been of some help!
Jeff Stovall
"I'm God's gift to humility."
1966 Triumph GT6 mk1