What's up, everyone? It's been a good day. I came home from church,
hopped in the GT6, pulled the choke and turned the key. A whine, a gurgule,
and then a neanderthlaic eruption of 6 cylinders all singing thier deep,
sopranic song in unison. Sorry, I'm doing the Tim-the-Toolman thing.
Anyway, here's the story, I went out and bought a timing light to
start tuning the car. It's a Sunpro Inducitve thingameboper, with the
little clips that go to the battery + terminal, ground, and one that goes
over the spark plug wire. I didn't work. At first I thought it was broken,
but then I hooked it up to our Camry, and it worked perfectly. I went down
to AutoZone and the guy said that all they had were iductive pickups.
The reason I'm writing this is because a friend came over a while
back with a timing light that simply snapped onto the spark plug, and then
you snapped the spark plug wire back on. Simple, and it worked. Am I
missing something here? Or do the inductive pickups not work on older cars?
Thanks all!
Jeff Stovall
"I'm God's gift to humility."
1966 Triumph GT6 mk1