Welome Scott,
You cannot have too much information about your car when it comes to repairs
and maintenance. Yes, the Bentley is the most expensive, but in most
regards its also the best. Next come the Haynes - there is a TR260 & 6
version as well. I recommend both, as each has particular strengths that
often compliment each other. Both of these occasionally go on sale -
regularly check the VTR catalog, as well as Moss, TRF, and the other
suppliers listed on the VTR website. One site I especially like is Obsolete
Automotive and their website is quite good for parts ordering at:
Moss and Obsolete also have free newsletters that often have how-tos on
repairs. The 6-Pack club also has a good newsletter that I'd recomend
(check them out at http://members.aol.com/tr66pack/welcome.htm). Len
Renkenberger, a former 6-Pack technical writer has published quite a few
how-to manuals and articles on TR6 care & feeding based on his many years (&
miles) of TR6 experience. Called Six-Tech, they may still be available from
him directly (can anyone else help here?, I've lost track of him), but back
issues of 6-Pack contain many of his articles. Hope this helps. Drop me a
line if theres anything you'ld like more info on.
Rod. '70 TR6 CC55899L
P.S. what is your car's commission number?