> At 12:06 AM 11/1/96 EST, Jack I Brooks wrote:
> >Fellow TR3 owners,
> >
> >Help! I have the correct jack, with the ratcheting wrench and the cast
> >hook on the side, but have no clue about where one would put it to lift
> >the car. At home I can use any multitude of jacks, but I would rather
> >not have to carry other jacks for a possible "on the road" tire change.
> >
> >Where can I fit the jack without risk to body panels?
> >
> >Jack Brooks
> >Hillsdale, New Jersey
> >1960 TR3-A TS69032L
> >'74 Norton Commando Roadster
> >
> Hello TR3 Jack Brooks
> There is a hole in the floor in front of each seat. The hole is covered
> with a large rubber plug.The hole gives access to a fitting welded to the
> side of the frame in which the jack hook fits. This hole is not needed on on
> the TR4 thru TR6 models, but was retained. Why??
> Sam Haynes TR3 Original Owner>
Ah-ha! This answers a question I had, which was, "What the heck is this
strange hole and bracket in the floor?"
Jeremy DuBois jer@thlogic.com
Manager, Info Systems http://www.thlogic.com/~jer/
Thermalogic Corporation '60 TR3A, '74 MGB, '76 Spit