On Tue, 29 Oct 1996, Gregory Petrolati wrote:
> A while back a friend gave me a box of TR parts. Among the stuff
> were about half a dozen rocker arms... Free is swell but I've got
> a little problem... The adjustment screws all are frozen in place,
> and I can't budge them. I tried putting WD 40 around the base of the
> threads to see it it would free them. Heat would be my next move but
> before I go get the torch, I wonder if any of you guys have any
> bright ideas on how to proceed. Or, for that matter, if getting the
> torch would be a wise move. I'd like to salvage these little
> buggers... (ya never know when a rocker arm may come in handy).
If they appear to be frozen due to rust (unlikely given the oil bath
environment in which they live), then a long soak in penetrating oil
should eventually do the trick. If you do resort to heat, bear in mind
that the adjusting screws and the rocker arm tips are hardened. Too much
heat will render them useless.
A more common problem is that overzealous tightening of the locking nuts
distorts the threads in the rocker arm and on the adjusting screws,
effectively locking them together. In that case brute force is the only
answer (possibly vice-grips on the ball end of the screw). You'll then
need to clean up the threads in the rocker arm with a tap. If the tap
removes too much material the threads will be weak and the screws will
never hold adjustment very well.
Chip Old 1948 M.G. TC TC6710 NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland 1962 Triumph TR4 CT3154LO (daily driver)
If cars had evolved as fast as computers have, by now they'd cost a
quarter, run for a year on a half-gallon of gas, and explode once a day.