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Re: Float level

Subject: Re: Float level
From: Jeff Nathanson <>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 16:13:06 -0500 (EST)

        I don't beleive there's a magic number. I've trying to get my float
at the "correct" hieght for about a year and it resulted in gas out the
carbs, no
gas at all, or the inability to control the mixture. This afternoon, I didn't
use my calibrated "15-18 mm" measuring rod and set my float height at "some
distance that I thought was reasonable". It worked! Great response now - no
sputtering, even seemingly increased HP. Well, I've only been in the LBC arena
for a short time, but maybe this mechanic stuff is all experience and no exact
recipe can be given. Jusy my opinion.

                        Jeff N.
'71 TR6

At 10:08 AM 10/27/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Howdy all,
>        Since I beleive my prob with the carbs blowing gas has been because
>I set the float level wrong, I have a couple questions. The first one is
>How far off of 18mm do the floats have to be before they start causing
>probs? The second one is Do the carbs flood if the float level is high or
>the float level is low? The last one is Could my Grose Jets be the reason
>(or helping) my carbs flood? I read somewhere about how someone had had a
>prob with them doing that.
>Okay everyone, thanks and good luck!
>Jeff Stovall
>"I'm God's gift to humility."
>1966 Triumph GT6 mk1

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