Hey all,
After my first carb rebuild, the bomb fired on the third try. I sat
and listened for a moment as various part adjusted themsleves and things
got cleaned out of the exhaust. Now, a few questions to finish 'er up.
1) After I had run it for a couple minutes, I turned it off and let it sit
for a while. I returned (after about 3 minutes) and there was eithier steam
or smoke coming off it. It's hard to explain, whatever teh gas was, it came
from _everywhere_. I let it sit till this was gone, and ran it again. It
did the same thing, this time with a smaller amount of gas coming off it.
Soon it stopped. The radiator isn't completey full, I'm still working on a
stinkin' air bubble, but I suspect it was steam. Any thoughts?
2) I'm running into the same prob with the carbs that I was before teh
rebuild: I'll adjust the screws on the bottom, but it doesn't seem like it
makes much, if any, difference. Do I have to actually take the top off and
adjust the needle? Remember, these are 150CD carbs, so I'm not sure how
much I could adjust the needle. This is my biggest prob.
That's about it for now. It's nearly there! I scooted it around in the
driveway for a minute (my parents don't mind that) and it felt better than
I think it's ever felt before. So the rebuild definalty helped! Okay,
thanks eveyone and good luck!
Jeff Stovall
"I'm God's gift to humility."
1966 Triumph GT6 mk1