> Rich
> England
> ps. Hope this ain't gonna get nasty, I didn't mention any cats, OK Ken!!
Heck no Rich, I never flame anyone and I certianly hope my humble
expainations don't come accross that way. I get a lot of valuable
information from this list and welcome any commentary on any thing I post.
I learned, from your last letter that Hearlds have solid non-sliding
driveshafts (makes you wonder about the bean counters at B/L). I had no
idea, I just assumed they were the same as Spitfires! (and you know what
happens when you assume) And John Kipping ain't no racer, hummmm sounded
like someone I had heard of. . . . anyway, makes interesting sidenotes on
the construction of the various models- Just what does John "supply" NOS,
rebuilt, new? Always nice to find a new supplier - (does he have a Quaffie
carrier for a spit cheap??? [Yeah and I can turn lead into gold!]) Shhhhh.
. .who said anything about cats!
Barry Schwartz
Bschwartz@encad.com (work)
Bschwart@pacbell.net (home)
(San Diego)
70' Spitfire (under-going major surgery) , 72'-V6 Spitfire (daily driver)