I decided to clean up and organize the loft in the garage this weekend
and lighten the load up there before all comes crashing down on the Stag
and Spitfire. Among the items (more will be posted at a later date) that
can definitly go and which may be usefull or valuable to someone are:
Intake manifold for a Vitesse. Can't find any numbers on the manifold,
still lots of original 60's & 70's crud there. Car was stripped by me
in the '70s (shame, I know!). Still has 2 Solex doundraught carbs on
board, throttles still move. Numbers on carbs, Rear: B 32 IH then LJ 63
Front: B32 IH then LL 63 (as best I can read).
Exhaust manifold from same Vitesse. STANPART on casting to number 6 cylinder,
305273-4 on casting to number 1 (front) cylinder. Not broken or
cracked. Studs broken of in most threaded holes.
Any offers or interest? Located in Western Massachusetts (almost to NY).