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TR7 manual transmission noise/problem

Subject: TR7 manual transmission noise/problem
From: "Andrew Dumas" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 96 13:41:01 EST
Encoding: 51 Text
     Good day to all,
     I'm new to the list and I've already learned alot.  The "atmosphere" 
     of the list is also quite good.
     We bought a 1976 TR7 about two months ago, to use as a second car and 
     to replace our aging 1974 Volvo, which was starting to make a bit of 
     engine bearing noise.  We bought the TR7 from a retired English couple 
     who had brought it over with them new when they moved to the United 
     States from England in 1976.  It has 54K on it and it's in pretty good 
     shape, generally speaking.  It's a hard top, factory a/c and a 
     four-speed.  It's got it's original, though pretty faded red/orange 
     paint and a black interior.
     I had owned a GT6 back in the 70's and I'd forgotten how much fun 
     these cars are to drive.  
     The problem: a bit of a noise in first gear two months ago has quickly 
     become a problem that requires some action on my part in the next few 
     weeks.  The problem and noise are only in first gear.  The noise 
     closely resembles the wheel noise on the Wheel of Fortune show.  When 
     it's cold, the tranny will sometimes pop out of first gear.  Other 
     times, I can feel a kick back on the gearshift when it's in first 
     gear.  Second, third and fourth are all fine.
     I've been assuming there's something wrong with the first gear syncro 
     that's causing the problem.  I know the only positive way to determine 
     what's wrong is to pull the transmission and take a look, which is 
     what I plan to do in the next couple weeks.
     Has anyone else had any experience with the same type of problem?
     Any suggestions on parts sources?  I've sent for a TRF catalog and 
     I've looked over the monster parts list, but I'm a bit stunned at the 
     wealth of potential sources.
     Any suggestions on what else to change while I've got the transmission 
     apart: bearings, etc.?
     Since the clutch is still the original, I was planning on changing it 
     while the tranny's out.  When the car is cold, the clutch makes the 
     car shutter as it's released.  When it warms up it's fine.  Does this 
     have something to do with the material the clutch plate uses?  Does it 
     absorb moisture or something?  Should this be expected with a new 
     clutch too?
     I'd greatly appreciate any comments the list may have on the above.
     Andrew Dumas

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