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RE: Re[2]: What differential?

To: ('trumppa')
Subject: RE: Re[2]: What differential?
From: (Nystrom Kim NTC/Espoo)
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 1996 10:12:01 +0300
Organization: Nokia Telecommunications
Thanks for the formula! But I still can't figure it out. Try it yourselves 
with the figures I got:

DR=(RPM x TD) / (MPH x 336)
TD=22.653 (175/70, 13" tires)

RPM=4500, KPH=112 (=69.9 Am.MPH, =60.44 Brit.MPH) => DR (Am) = 4.34, DR (Br) 
= 5.02
RPM=3000, KPH=80   (=49.7 Am.MPH, 43.17 Br.MPH)      => DR (Am) = 4.06
RPM=1000, KPH=28                              => DR (Am) = 3.87

It makes you wonder, doesn't it....? Maybe I have a changing DR ;-)
I guess I'll have to try the string method as soon as it stops raining.

Thanks a lot,
Kim N
from a cold AND wet Helsinki, Finland
** From: Kevin Andrews
** In an article in our newsletter, Pat McMullen wrote about tire sizes and 
** speed you are traveling with different sizes.So he had a formula. This 
** will not work on automatic tranies.You need 3 of these 4 things.
**          1.RPM
**          2.TD= tire diameter
**          3.MPH
**          4.DR= drive ratio(final drive)
** RPM is self explanitory,you have tire size but need to get tire 
** 205 65 R15   205 is tread width in millimeters.Convert to inches(205 
** .0394=8.077). The 65 represents tire profile, a percentage of the tread
** width.So 65% of 8.077 is 5.25 inches. Now rim size is 15 inches in 
** So you add that to the tire profile twice to get tire 
** inches). Now you got MPH. Now to figure DR you use this formula.
**            DR = RPM x TD divided by MPH x 336         (336 is a constant 
** will never change)
**           Hope this will help. It was a great article by Pat.
** Kevin Andrews
** 68 TR-250(CD7766L)
** Siler City, NC

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