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Thanks! Re: Mult-carb tuning

Subject: Thanks! Re: Mult-carb tuning
From: (Shane F. Ingate)
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 96 11:00:35 PDT

Thanks to all those that responded with such knowledge
and enthisiasm to my plea for help in tuning twin Strombergs.

I thought I would summarize some of this email: All respondees 
suggested the use of a carb balancing tool (eg "Unisyn").
Books too were also advised.  Finally, and very importantly,
I was reminded of the extensive on-line database at the
VTR site (  The document on tuning
Stromberg's is fabulous!  For those who do not have WWW
access, and with Ken Streeter's OK (OK Ken?), I would like
to return karma and send a copy of this document to whomever
email's me requesting such.

I ordered a Unisyn balancing tool from TRF last night, and
was delighted to find that Haynes have concatenated their
series of manuals on Stromberg's, SU's and Weber's into a
single volume, all for $14.36!  Apparently it is quite a
voluminous affair.  TRF are also offering a 20% discount
on almost all parts through till the end of the month.

BTW, ALL respondees suggested some form of sacrifice, though
there was some concern whether the dominion of the Dark Lord
Lucas extended to SU/Stromberg carb's.  Many agreed that
full-moon sacrifices by Lucas candle-power (ie TR high-beam)
were important.  Nominees for sacrifical rites were overwhelmingly
in favour of virgins (albeit difficult to find in the '90's),
followed closely by goats, then a smattering of owls, chickens
and small furry creatures.

Thanks to all!

        Shane Ingate, waiting for the "Red Cross" package from TRF

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