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Re: TR6 Speedometer

To: "Robinson, David, Squadron Leader" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Speedometer
From: (David Williams)
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 14:26:28 -0800
>>I am in the process of converting a carburetted TR6 to RHD.   I have
>>managed to get hold of a speedo from a fuel injected car (from England)
>>that has the speedo calibrated in kilometres rather than miles per hour
>>(I intend taking the car to Australia where all speeds and distances
>>are given in kph not mph).

You might consider a shopping expedition across the border (virtual or
otherwise)  here in the great white north we also use kilometres and even
back in the 70's the speedos had both units visible.  Both my  6's have mph
and Kph on the speedo and they're otherwise a NA car with the carburetted
emission controls etc.

David J. R. Williams
TS 12287L
CF 18015
CF 20725

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