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TR3 Gas and Water...

To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: TR3 Gas and Water...
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 96 11:36:17 EDT
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
*** Resending note of 09/16/96 11:11

On Mon, 16 Sep 96, Doug Mathews <MATHEWS@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU>wrote:
<background story deleted>

>When I disconnected the line from the the tank to the pump, I expected
>to have gas rush out and was prepared to stop it, but it drips out
>slowly. Is this correct, or should I get a steady stream of gas, since

No, it definitely is not correct.

>it appears the tank is above the fuel pump? I went ahead and rebuilt the
>pump, and yes, it still quits, and I have to play the wait and coast
>routine. My next actions are going to be to start and examine the fuel
>lines from the pump working back to the tank. Any to her suggestions?

Doug, You're on the right track. This exact same thing happened with my TR3.
I'd be willing to bet you have a blockage in your fuel line from the tank
to the pump. Try blowing some compressed air back through the line from the
pump inlet hose to the tank (open the filler cap first). I did this and the
fuel started flowing normally.
At this point (if this works) remember that you will only have dislodged
the sediment or whatever back into the tank. You'll want to install a second
fuel filter in the line (preferably back by the tank, unless you don't want
to lose concours points.) Or you could remove the tank and have it flushed
out (but PLEASE let's not get started on the gas tank thread again).

Let us know how this turns out.

Rik Schlierer                       Triumphs are like booze to an alcoholic.            One is too many and a hundred are never
LucaSpeed? Motorsports              enough!

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