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FW: FW: Suspension lubricant?

To: Triumphs List <>
Subject: FW: FW: Suspension lubricant?
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 96 08:31:00 PDT
Encoding: 26 TEXT
On Tues, John Lye wrote

On Sep 13, 10:44am, "Vincenti, Ross" wrote:
> Trevor - Given that grease will eventually breakdown rubber parts over the 

> long haul, I would suggest that you simply squirt a bunch of WD-40

NO!  Don't use WD-40, it destroys many types of rubber.

> or a similar silicon based lubricant

This is much better; I use spray silicone lubricant on various
rubber bushings and it works pretty well, although it doesn't
last very long.

John  -  sorry chap, but WD-40 is a silicon based lubricant.  Have you 
experienced it eating rubber?  If so, are you sure it was the WD-40 and not 
some other cause?

Cheers (and risking starting a war of flames over lubricants - sorry 

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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