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Re: Boy is My Face Red...

To: R John Lye <>
Subject: Re: Boy is My Face Red...
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 11:18:46 -0400
Organization: Lockheed Sanders, Inc.
References: <199609101438.KAA03041@uva.pcmail.Virginia.EDU>
R John Lye wrote:
> On Sep 10, 10:06am, Ken Streeter wrote:
> > Which big brothers are you talking about?  TR6s used a metal hydraulic
> > clutch line, not rubber.  I don't know that any Triumphs used a rubber
> > clutch hose.  Gosh, even the Herald had a metal hydraulic clutch line!
> > Are you sure you didn't drive an MG in a prior life?!? :-) :-)
> Ummm, you might want to look again yourself!  All the big TR's
> I've ever seen (and I own a couple myself) have a rubber (or
> braided) hose as part of the clutch hydraulics. 

You know, I'm not quite sure how my original message got through.
The message is one I had composed, and was going to send off,
but then did not, after I did some further checking, and found that
I was mistaken.  (as you, and Karl, and surely many others will
point out)

However, just today, it appears to have somehow escaped from
the mail system, and made its way through...

(If you'll check the date on the original message, I had tried
initially to send it last Friday -- it seems to have languished
in majordomo on since then, only to pop out now,
even when I'd rather it not...)

Yes, I stand corrected (even though I had thought I had
corrected myself and never sent the message along...)


Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
Sanders, PTP2-A001          | 
PO Box 868                  | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Nashua, NH 03061            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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