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British cylinder heads

Subject: British cylinder heads
From: (Robert Green)
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 19:53:07 -0700 (PDT)
I had a nasty time trying to get the head off my TR7.  I blew the head
gasket and was forced to take the head off.  I tried to remove just the
head, and that met with no luck.  ( I have removed 4 without incidence) next
the engine was pulled and supported by the head.  (note; the five outside
studs MUST be removed for the head to come off as they are at an angle.)
Attempts to remove the remaining five studs left 3 that refused to be
removed.  Stud pullers would not grab the studs.  The next step was to weld
nuts to the tops of the studs.  That left one stud that refused to be
removed.  The final step was to unscrew the head from the block.  A 4x4 post
and a 10 pound hammer and four revolutions released the head from the block.
Yes, to this day, the stud is a permanent part of the head.  The car is
running with a new head.

77 TR7

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