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BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []

Subject: BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 1996 18:53:44 -0400
     Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 08:58:03 -0400
     Subject: British Car Conclave, Denver

I am not one of the organizers of this event, but I haven't
seen it mentioned yet so here it is:
The 13th Annual Ride the Rockies Tour and British Car
Conclave will be held Sept 14-15 in Arvada, Colorado.
The tour will begin at 10:00AM on Saturday at Memorial
Park, located just West of Wadsworth & Ralston Rd.  This
year's tour is being designed by the Rocky Mountain Triumph
Club's Glenn Sorensen.  It will be a non-TSD event, about 
2 to 2 1/2 hours long, and will feature 20-25 questions with
plenty of stretches in between so you can enjoy the 
scenery.  The destination is a secret, but it will end around
lunchtime in a location with lots of great restaurants.  
Registration for the Sunday car show begins at 8:00AM at
the park.  The organizers of the event hope to exceed 500
cars this year.  If you are anywhere in the Denver area, bring
your car, regardless of condition, and help them do it this time.
Email me if you need registration information and I will send you
the names and numbers of the event organizers.

I also have information on the Rocky Mountain Triumph Club.  We 
are an extremely active club and have had some sort of event
going on nearly every weekend from May through October.  We 
have active members from Colorado Springs to Ft. Collins and a
few that show up once in a while from as far away as Kansas
and Durango.  You don't have to own a Triumph to join and 
visitors are welcome.  We promise not to laugh (much) if your
Jag breaks down.  Email me for more information.
Dave Fain

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  • BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from [], Mark J Bradakis <=