>Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 08:31:10 -0700
>From: pleask@mailhost.wlc.com (Pat Leask)
>Sender: owner-triumphs@triumph.cs.utah.edu
>To: triumphs@autox.team.net
>Subject: How to support a shell when welding
>Okay, I'm three years ahead on my wife's plan on her mini. (We have had it
>three weeks....) and the body is stripped.
>I have to replace the front floor pans and rockers. I want to put the body
>onto saw horse's to work on it.
>1. How am I best able to do this ? Any tricks on support
>2. If I do a saw horse front and back, will the body sag at all when the
>floor pan and rocker (one side at a time) are removed ? Remember, there is
> a
>solid roof !
>Thanks, Pat
>Pat Leask
>Victoria BC
When i did the same job on my GT-6 i used lag screws through the front body
mounting holes into the sawhorse and put the other saw horse into the wheel
arches. There is a 4" or so tunnel here on the GT6 so this might not work on
a Mini.
As far as bracing, if you remove the floor pan and the rocker at the same
time you will have to weld a bar between the door posts to keep the car from
collapsing. Another option is to tack the new outer rocker panel in place
before you remove the floor.
Dont even try it without some kind of bracing !!!! If you do your doors will
never fit.
Good Luck!
Hope this helps.
GT6NUT (Dan Arrington) I must be a "nut" to take on a project like this!
'69 GT6+ (Rustbucket)
New floors,rocker panels,rear valance ................????