From: Tleake <>
Subject: Interesting ads from the recycler
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 13:32:57 -0600
Hi every one wish I had time to read the list!
A few advertisements from the RECYCLER. I don't know anything about these
cars I have no interest in them.
Tom Leake
65 TR4 A IRS
48 TRIUMPH 1800 body only, reg til Feb 97, gd shp, $2000 619-588-6899
64 TRIUMPH HERALD conv runs grt, nds cosmetic, $800 obo 714-960-3895
65 TRIUMPH TR4 orig owner, fac install, roll bar, gls rr w ndw, hard & soft
top, 100M, xlint cond, gd for restoring, $4500 818-763-2982
70 TRIUMPH GT6 parting out, gd rnng 6 cyl mtr, 4 spd tran s, body pts, $5-$250
or whole $350 818-294-0653
73 TRIUMPH TR6 cyl hed nds to Magnaflux & cln out, xlnt co nd, low mi,
$445 obo - Jose 213-482-8464
76 TRIUMPH eng & trans 300 both 310-809-1221