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TR4 pinking problem

Subject: TR4 pinking problem
From: john gillis <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 08:51:11 +0100
My brother owns a 63 TR4. The car tended to pink alot even on a flat road under
light load. It had been set up for classic car racing events with bits and 
pieces added on here and there. We wanted to return it to road spec. so all the
additions were removed and the engine brought back to standard. During this work
I also re-set points, mixture and timing, the latter I also took the time to 
mark the position on the pulley wheel and timing cover and put my strobe on it, 
check things were as they should with the engine running. After all this the car
was much improved and although a little down on power there was no more pinking,
except under heavy load, even then it was minimum. THe problem is however, after
two or three weeks the pinking is back as bad as ever and seems to get worse as
the engine warms up. Can anyone suggest why this should happen, so I can sort it
before it does some real damage to the engine.
John Gillis 1954 TR2 (in bits)
Trinity College, Dublin

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