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GT6/Spit parts interchangeability...

Subject: GT6/Spit parts interchangeability...
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 11:52:34 -0600
NG>I just heard of a junk-yard (sorry, salvage yard) here in town that is
NG>supposed to have two Spits standing around - and I thought it might be a
NG>good time to stock up on stuff for my GT6 (not in dire need for anything,
NG>but...)  Therefore I was wondering what parts are the same, like

NG>a) Brake-calipers
NG>b) Master-braker-cylinder
NG>c) Clutch cylinder
NG>d) Clutch plate itself
NG>e) radiator
NG>f) Heating components
NG>- and a long shot:
NG>g) bumbers?

NG>Thanks for any advise on these - and if the spits are restorable, I will get
NG>back to you with their condition (if they are still there when I get there)


 Most chassis parts, ie. brake rotors, calipers, bumpers, almost all of
the things you mention except the clutch parts, and maybe nopt the
radiator, but the rest of the cooling/heating system parts are
 I would suggest you jump on as many parts as you can, you never know
what you may need. Then the possibility exists that somebody like me
will need something, and you can really stick it to 'em.
 Have a good weekend.
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