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Re: Front sway bar - used to be RE: Spit Swing Springs

To: Michael Noerregaard <>,
Subject: Re: Front sway bar - used to be RE: Spit Swing Springs
From: R John Lye <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 96 17:24:15 EDT
Hi Mike,
     Its me again - and I do know a little something
about this topic.  Increasing only the front bar will
help reduce body lean (and thereby decrease the weight
transfer a bit). *However* it will make the car understeer;
how much depends on how much change you make.  Ideally,
one would tune the car by adjusting the relative sizes
of front and rear bars to get the handling characteristics
that one desires.  Having done this on my TR-4 race car,
I can assure you that it both makes an immense improvement
in the handling of the car and may well cost a lot in both
time and money.  Unless the car is oversteering now, simply
increasing the size of the front bar, may not help and may
hurt the handling of the car.  Unless you're either very
unhappy with the way the car handles now, or are willing
to spend some time and effort to optimize the system, you're
probably better off sticking with the stock sway bars.
That said, none of my Triumphs have completely stock suspensions;
some less so than others <grin>


John Lye


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