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Clutch Problem?/update on fender/bender

Subject: Clutch Problem?/update on fender/bender
From: James Cullen <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 21:49:50 -0700
Hello everybody,

Many thanks for the feedback regarding my fender bender (right front bumper
pushed in, and need for British Racing Green paint). I followed the
prevailing advice and went to a professional. I was able to find a friend of
a friend who owns a body shop to pull it out for me. Took about 1 hour and
half to get everything straightened out (needed some rewelding as well). The
good news is that I got it done for free, and there was no serious frame
damage. So, since they were so nice I figured I let you all know that it was
Alpine Auto Body in Surrey, British Columbia. I also received an excellent
lead (from J. Harroun I believe) regarding the paint. I was able to find at
a Napa Auto parts a "portable spray can" that allows you to put your own
paint in. It consists of a small jar where you place the paint and then a
can of compressed air that screws on top of the jar and lets you spray paint
(cost 9 dollars Canadian). The name of the device I think is "Preval".

My latest trial and tribulation (I knew I shouldn't have bragged to my wife
that my LBC had been free of any major problem for approx. 6 months) is due
to my clutch - I think. Here is the situation - driving up one of the many
hills in Vancouver I started to smell something weird, kind of like when
your engine overheats, but the engine was fine. A few seconds later I
noticed that above 3000 RPM in any gear the car would not accelerate at all.
I high-tailed it for home and by the time I got there I could bearly make it
up the hill to our place. The problem was now at any RPM, basically I was in
neutral in any gear including reverse. If on completely level ground I can
make some progress, but not much. I got the flashlight out and took a
cursory glance all I could see is that around the transmission bell-housing
there was a little passive smoke (looked like the tranny was very hot). From
my limited knowledge, a bit of reading, and discussions with a few friends
it sounds like my clutch is shot. I've never rebuilt a clutch, but I figure
there's no time like the present. Plus the last time I took the car in (for
a tranny rebuild) I had to spend about an hour fixing all the things that
weren't replaced properly (trim, electical stuff). My questions are: Am I
right about my clutch being the culprit? I'm armed with my trusty Haynes
manual (which I don't always find fills in the necessary gaps between steps)
- does anyone know of a better manual or resource to help me out doing this,
and lastly does anyone have any tips/pointers to minimize any potential

Hello to Angelo Graham frow Waterloo, have a beer for me at the O.E.P. (Olde
English Parlour a local Waterloo drinking hole). Spent some time in Waterloo
area, sorry I can't help you out with a parts supplier, but that was before
my Triumph days. Also wanted to say that this list is great its nice knowing
that you can get some feedback regarding problems and other information. By
the way does any know of any Triumph clubs in British Columbia, or the

Thanks in advance,

Jim Cullen
74 Spitfire, British Racing Green, Usually Driven Daily

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