On 7/25/96 5:26PM, in message
Bob Lang wrote:
> Regarding the bouncing speedo.
> The speedo works via spinning magnets. This is an important point.
> If you grease the cable, especially with the wrong grease, it'll bubble
> up the cable and squirt all over the inside of your speedo. If you have a
> real bad case of grease spooge, you car will travel at incredible
> indicated speeds. I got zero to 160 MPH in less than half a second. Talk
> about pushing you back in the seat!
> Of course the problem is that the grease winds up sticking the inside
> rotating thingie to the outside rotating thingie and thus the wierd
> indicated speeds.
Could this be the problem with the speedo in my Spit?
For the 3 years I have been driving this car the speedo has been about 25% high
and the needle tends to hunt a little. I made sure that the tires had the
correct revs per mile as compared to original, and I know the diff is correct.
I am not sure that the speedo is correct. The speedo is labled as follows: SN
6203/34A 1248. I understand that the 1248 is the revs per mile factor. Does
anybody know if this is the correct speedo for a 1970 MKIII Spitfire without
O/D? Since this car sat in a junk yard for a long time before I rescued her,
I'm beginning to think a look inside the speedo is in order. Sounds like a
good weekend project to me!
Thanks for all of the help...this list is great!
Can't tell if I'm driving faster than my angles can fly!
Bill M.
1970 MkIII Spitfire