Mark Manasas wrote:
> SOL's,
> Need some help. I just got "Tess" back on the road after doing a
> frame off started in October. It was purely a mechanical resto,
> rebuilt motor, clutch, did some frame work. Started her up last week
> and she cranked right up first try. Motor is running great except for
> the front carb losing oil quickly from the dashpot, but parts are on
> order.
> Now for the question. In my rebuild I replaced all the brake lines,
> flex included. I even replaced the master cylinder because my old one
> was leaking like a sieve and a rebuild did not help. I used DOT 4 and
> all seemed well, until I started to smell asbestos. After I limped
> home ~ 2mi. I jacked up the front end and could not rotate either
> front wheel. Back wheels turned fine. I cracked a line at the master
> cyl. and everything seemed great. the Pressure diff. light went on
> but I figured that was because of me cracking the line. I re-centered
> the valve and all again was good. Took her out for a long spin around
> the block and no sticky brakes. I took her to get inspected this
> morning and made it there fine (~12mi) but as I was pulling out of the
> garage after she had sat for about 10 min I felt that old familiar
> hard pedal and sure enough the brakes started to drag again.
> Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any help.
> Mark
Mark, and company
Sounds a lot like a problem I had with my '74 Spit last month. Last winter the
front and rear brakes were rebuilt as was the mastercylinder. It ran well for
a hundred miles or so this spring, then one day it seemed like it was losing
power, until I smelled the front brakes cooking. I made it home and they
free'd up by themselves. It happened again once more and they came off by
themselves before making it back. What a difference when they released!
Advice I got locally was that I probably still had air in the lines. Since
then I tried to bleed them again, and I've taken it out a couple of times with
no problems (knock wood).
By the way. I just posted a message about Gunson Eezi Bleed and the fact that
their cap doesn't fit my '74 Spitfire reservoir (large cap). If anyone could
help me out in getting the correct cap I would appreciate it.
Dave Mastenbrook (