Fellow Motorheads,
After consideration of Ken's scenario, I think he's found the fatal flaw,
i.e. that there will always be plenty more water. Those of us in the Rust
Belt are familiar with the water-attracting properties of road salt, es-
pecially after the briny slush has dried to a grey haze coating the inner
wheel wells, fenders, frame cavities, and anywhere else it can splash.
The next time there is warm, foggy weather, that salt will attract it into
every little nook and cranny that you weren't able to wash it off, and it
will find exposed steel and fall in love and stay there indefinitely.
Now, imagine packing your hollow chassis with salted, shredded sponge bits
which were carefully oven-dried before you packed 'em in....add a few weeks
or months' worth of foggy weather, or maybe a playful drive along the
beach, kicking up some spray as the waves run out underneath your LBC...
you could skip the drive along the beach, and I think the effect would be
the same...your frame would eventually get quite a bit heavier, swell, pop,
and bust wide open along all those spot-welded seams.
What's that saying about the pavement of the road to LBC Hell ??
Beast regards,
Tom Tweed
TR-250 (Exhibit A, Rust Belt Roadster frame modifications)