In a message dated 96-07-07 17:29:59 EDT, (Jonathan
Sherman) writes:
>Why is it that when I added in a Tee for the oil pressure switch... the
>light goes on when oil pressure is good and the light goes off when the
>oil pressure is too low? FYI, the oil pressure switch is of the 3-wire
>variety and I put a mechanical oil pressure gauge on the other part of
>the tee.
The oil pressure switch you have is a SPDT switch. This means that when you
have no pressure one terminal (we'll call it the common) is connected to one
of the other terminals (which we'll call NC (for normally closed)). When you
have pressure the comon terminal is connected to the third terminal (called
NO (for normally open)).
The common terminal should be connected to Earth (ground to us Yanks) and the
NC terminal is used to illuminate the oil pressure warning light. The NO
terminal is used to actuate the Anti-Run-On valve.
If you connect the wires up at random you are more likely to get it wrong
than right. If you have the Anti-Run-On valve system then it is necessary
to connect all wires where they belong. If you do not have the Anti-Run-On
valve system then just swap wires until the light works as advertized.
Dave (Mr Electricity) Massey