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Light Switch problem

To: "" <>
Subject: Light Switch problem
From: Francois Demont <100304.2046@CompuServe.COM>
Date: 14 May 96 05:48:51 EDT
Repost from a non-member, (it would take a week if I tried to write technical
expanations in English)
Please reply directly to him :    or

I am writing in english, and hope I can receive a reply in same, since I 
do not speak French.  I am sorry.  However, I am an owner of a 1977 
Triumph Spitfire 1500.  I have had it for about a year, and have almost 
made it to a stage where it is drivable.

However, I am having a problem with the turn/flasher/dimmer/horn switch. 
 It has not been working since I purchased the vehicle, and it appeared 
that the Dimmer (High Beams) portion of the switch was the problem.  I 
figured there was something broken, and started pricing them.  However, 
when I was finally able to locate one, I found the price of $350 to be a 
little extreme.  Therefore, I have taken the switch apart, and found 
that there is actually nothing broken.  However, the parts inside the 
switch housing itself, ar no longer in place (there is a bearing and 
small {what appears to be brass} rod floating in the housing).  So, to 
the point....

I am looking for a complete, detailed instruction on the proper 
placement of all of these parts.  I would particularly, be happy with a 
simple diagram showing the proper placement.  If you have acess to, or 
can direct me to a source of such, I would be much appreciative.

Thank you for your help in this matter~~

Rich Olewine

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