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Subject: TRF
Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 08:17:48 -0400
Based on all I've read over the last week, opinions are like a***holes,
everyones got one.

Bottom line is this folks: TRF is a business... a PRIVATELY owned business.
Charles can do anything he wants. As the owner, he takes all the risks, and
reaps the rewards. And, if one of those rewards is spending money on a
look-alike British Pub, we've got no say.That's one of the basic premisies of
the free enterprise system. If we have trouble with how he runs his business,
we have a couple of choices: go somewhere else, or do it yourself. The
American system has always welcomed a new and better mousetrap. Any takers?

We can complain about how things are done, how money is spent, what's a
priority, and what isn't. But we have no right as customers to say how things
are done... except one way: with the almighty dollar.

If you don't like how things are done, spend your money elsewhere. Stop being
a bunch of crybabies.

Don S.

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