You ask about sealing a leaky tank...
Lazy or no - you know in your heart, you're gonna have to take that little
devil out sooner or later. When you do, if you still don't want to
solder/weld on the tank, try using Slush Out. You can make a gas tank out of
a cardboard box using this stuff. Get it at your local airport, or Moss etc.
If you are really as "work-ethic challenged" as I am "pecuniary",<g> then
check out a product called Gas-Tite. You can usually find it at small engine
repair shops. It comes in a sort of large crayon, and all you do is rub it on
the leaky spot, wet or not, and it will stop the leak. I have left this stuff
on for years with no ill effects.
Still Cheap after all these years