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TR6 - Reconditioned window guides - save $$$ ??

Subject: TR6 - Reconditioned window guides - save $$$ ??
From: "Richard R. Olson" <>
Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 13:05:49 -0700
Organization: FAA Technical Center ACT-350
Hi again,

Whilst the '72 is in a zillion pieces, I figured on making a few 
'improvements'.  My windows have been a bit sloppy, so I got out TRF's 
handy catalog, and find that each guide is a mear $29.00 !!!(1996 Glove 
Box Companion).  It looks like the metal U-guide has some heavy duty felt 
or short napped fabric glued to it, with a rubberized backing. (Mine's 
totally shreded).  Anyone found a suitable replacement fabric for this 
and reconditioned their own?  An alternate source??


Rick (hey, that rhymes with Nick, so I guess I can be cheap. too! ;> )

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