Before I try to contact someone in Moss Motors' computer department,
I wonder if anyone else has tried getting their price list on disk.
I'm putting together an MS Access database to track all my parts
orders. I usually order from Moss (or lately from Moss via Dick
Burger) and it would be nice to just type in the part numbers and
have it pop in the description and price.
Right now, each time I want to enter a part number, I have to go out
and put that number and description (from the catalog) and the price
(from the price) list in the parts table. If I could get this from Moss,
it would save a bunch of time.
When (and if) I get the data from Moss and compltete the database,
would anybody be interested in using it? I wouldn't charge anything
for fellow LBCers unless you don't have Access and I have to go to
Microsoft and buy the $500 runtime distribution module.
If this is all Greek to you, my apologies.