In a message dated 96-03-26 22:21:09 EST, (Max
Blyton) writes:
> Dave Massey, good morning.
> If you think heaters are superfluous in Australia, you have not been in
> Canberra on a winter's morning!
> Yes, I am familiar with Ohm's Law. (However, you have left out the load
> calculations for the tail lights and all the other electrical items).
> Gentlemen, what I was trawling for was practical experience, amperage
> calculations notwithstanding. BTW, you have both overlooked the
> significant electrical load of the 110psi fuel pump for the Petrol
> Injection - around 10A (and the overdrive relay!).
> Just kidding - thank you for your interest.
> Max Blyton
Dear Max:
Of course, your right, I did forget the other lights but the tail lights, the
parking (running) lights, and the dash lights only draw 2 to 3 more amps.
And the overdrive relay also only draws 2-3 amps when pulled in (it pulls
substantially more whilst pulling in but if it continues to pull this much
current due to improper adjustment it will burn up removing itself from the
list of current draws.)
I did forget about the fuel pump however. You see, over here we Yanks never
see Petrol injected cars because the smog Nazi's will emasculate us if we
try. This is an egregious error on my part and I stand humbly corrected.
The bottom line is yes I've used 100 watt bulbs for years on my TR6 without
problems (I could get in to trouble for this too, if the Transportation folks
Have fun and don't hit any kangaroos
Dave, St. Louis, MO USA