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Re: Using low octane fuel - advice needed

Subject: Re: Using low octane fuel - advice needed
From: Phil Willson <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 08:46:00 +0000 (GMT)
Priority: NORMAL

>Mk1 2L Vitesse.  I chose to use the regular unleaded (91 
octane) fuel, but
>now need some advice on what adjustments I need to 
make (preferably not
>involving a syphon tube!) to make the engine run 
>Presumably the iginition will need retarding (currently at 
12 btdc static,
>with the UK spec 9:1? head).  Can anyone estimate 
roughly by how much?
>Will the mixture need readjusting? Is there anything 
else? Once the
>ignition is retarded is the engine more likely to overheat 
in traffic?

I converted my 13/60 to unleaded about 5 years ago by 
fitting a head that had been fitted with hardened exhaust 
valves and seats.  At the time, it only cost about 30 UK 
pounds (100 as opposed to 70) more than a reconditioned 
unmodified head so I went for it.

The ignition certainly had to be retarded which I did by 
experiment i.e. retard until it doesn't 'pink'.  The setting 
was around 6 compared to the standard 9 BTDC.  Apart 
from that I've had no problems caused directly by the 
change. Annual mileage is only around 3 - 4000 but there is 
no sign of an valve seat recession.  Performance seems 
about the same as before (which isn't a lot, I grant you).  
The general wisdom seems that there is no point doing 
major things to the head unless it needs reconditioning 
anyway, as in my case.

Resetting the mixture is probably not necessary but there 
is no harm in having a tune-up while you're at it.  A reading 
of about 3.5 to 4% CO should be achievable on a normal 
engine assuming you haven't got all that U.S. type 
emissions gear on it.

The earliest experiment I remember in Triumph circles 
was a 2000/2.5 Register member who, apparently as an 
experiment for the benefit of the rest of us, fuelled up with 
the low octane unleaded, made no other alterations, not 
even to the timing, and ran his car intensively.  As a 
consequence one of the pistons melted and, on the basis 
of this one experiment (obviously a good scientist), 
proclaimed that we should not use unleaded fuel at any 

TSSC 13/60 Secretary

Phil Willson
Electronic Engineering Dept
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Tel: +44 (0)171 975 5338
Fax: +44 (0)181 981 0259

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