On Mar 5, 4:18pm, morrow@saber.udayton.edu wrote:
> Subject: Manuals
> Hello all:
> A question about Triumph manuals; I have a copy of the Bentley
> and the Haynes manuals for TR250-TR6. I also have another manual that
> covers these models (and the GT-6, I think). It is a smaller manual
> (like 6" X 9" instead of 8/12" X 11") and in many ways is extremely
> detailed. I have had this manual for over twenty year, but lost the
> cover and first few and last few pages aages ago. I noticed that in
> the section on carburetors, the exploded diagram of the CD175 is
> exactly the same as the one in the Haynes manual (in fact it is MUCH
> sharper in detail) plus it has exploded diagrams of the CD150 and the
> SU's as well. Does anyone know the name of this manual is and who
> published it? Is it out of print like the Haynes version? In many
> sections the details and photos are extraordinary. What is this
> book? Any ideas out there? Thanks in advance.
> __________________________________________________
> Prof. Gary Morrow, Chem. Dept., Univ. of Dayton
> 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-2357
> Ph:(513)229-2048; FAX:(513)229-2635
> '68 TR-250, '72 TR-6
>-- End of excerpt from morrow@saber.udayton.edu
Well I checked my stash at home and I have a manual for my TR4 from P.
Olyslager Motor Manuals (a Sunday Times Publication) that sounds very
similar. Let me know if you'd like more details.
Jerry McDonald: mjm@bobo.ca.boeing.com (work) or jmac@nwrain.com (home)
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