Filing a flat is a better idea than using a center punch to set a pilot
hole for drilling, unless you use a tapered drift pin to hold the
bushings shape. Then again, it's still a better idea.
The bushing is slightly tapered so it can be pressed or driven in with
the narrow end going in first to sort of act as a pilot and assure
alignment and final seating of the bushing.
Would be a good idea to "mike" the distributor shaft to be sure
roundness and correct wear.
Somewhere around hear, I have data that I think says you can be quite safe
with as much as .008 in. side play. Hard to tell since there is no way to
oget a measuring device in afetr it's all back together. I suppose you
should let good judgement be you guide here.
Gopd Luck.
Best Regards,
Tony R.