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Re: TR3 bow colours?

Subject: Re: TR3 bow colours?
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 95 07:51:56 EST
Bow colors, eh?

I should have replied earlier to this...but the latest snowstorm stranded me 
in St Louis for several days.  Not that bad since we discovered a microbrewery 
in St Charles, MO (Tranilhead brewery - I can enthusiastically recommend the 


On TR2/3/3A/3Bs the top bows were painted body color.  That changed with TR4s, 
which were painted sandal (light beige).  The webbing was undyed cotton, which 
meant it was usually a dirty white.  Strap mounting plate color is the same as 
the top bows. We do check in TRA Concourse for the proper color for the bows 
and webbing.  

Disclaimer: Bruce has been known to be wrong in the past, and eventhough past 
performance isn't representative of future performance, I could be wrong again.
This is my experience, and might not be the truth, whatever that might be. Good
now if you think I'm wrong I've admitted I'm not perfect...

The ice is still 3 inches thick on my car stranded at the airport.

Happy Holidays,

Bruce Clough 

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