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Re: Piston Rings

Subject: Re: Piston Rings
From: (Chad Jester)
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 12:13:14 -0500
>On Tue, 19 Dec 1995, Peter Fullam wrote:
>>         A while back I put in a new set of 87mm pistons & liners. When it
>> take AE/Hepolite rings to seat?
>>         Another TR3 or 4 owner in the area reportedly has the same problem,
>> at about 3500 miles.

Check your compression again.  Be the engine is warm and the throttles are
wide open (remove you coil wire).

Squirt a bit of oil in the cylinders and repeat the test.  If the
compresssion jumps up it is most likely the rings.

What I would suspect on a newly rebuilt engine:

        Incorrect ring end gap

        Incorrect break in procedure

        Used a synthetic instead of mineral oil for break in

        Possibly the rings were installed wrong side up?
                This can happen on a Chevrolet.  I'm not familiar with the
                ring comfiguration on a TR-4.

Thats all I can think of for now.  Let us know what you find.


Chad Jester

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