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Thanksgiving <199511230957.KAA03632@bandbox.Holland.Sun.COM>

To: <>
To: <>
To: <>
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Subject: Thanksgiving <199511230957.KAA03632@bandbox.Holland.Sun.COM>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 12:26:37 PST
Illegal-object: Syntax error in To: address found on (Lennart Broekhof - Sun Service Nederland [CONTRACTOR])) ^-missing end of address
>>>Lennart Broekhof - Sun Service Nederland [CONTRACTOR] said:
 > ] ps, Even though I am running the risk of being flamed for my ignorance and
 > ] NON-triumph content of this question, what actually is 'thanks giving' all
 > ] about?
 > I don't know too, what is it ?

For our non-USA friends, Thanksgiving is a USA holiday that commemorates the 
first harvest of the Pilgrims who founded a colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts 
in 1620.  After a long hard winter in which half of them died, the Indian 
Squanto showed them how to plant corn (maize for non-US types) and in the fall 
of 1621 they reaped a bountiful harvest and held a feast to give thanks.

In return, they gave the Indians smallpox.

Today, the traditional thanksgiving feast includes roast turkey with bread 
stuffing, baked yams, cranberry relish and pumpkin pie.  Other trimmings to 
suit.  Usually the wife cooks while the husband watches the stylized 
gladiatorial combat we 'merkins call "football".

Not really fair is it?

Oops...gotta go peel the yams...

  --berry (wonders if the Dodgers will win the Superbowl this year...)

Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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  • Thanksgiving <199511230957.KAA03632@bandbox.Holland.Sun.COM>, Berry Kercheval <=