>Ho Ho Ho (very seasonal)
Baaaar Humbug!!!
>I think I stirred up a hornets nest, sorry! Between you, I think you've
>brought up most of the points regarding
>the relative benefits of large or small pistons, long or short stroke, high
>revs/ low torque or low revs/high torque.
>The thing is that most of you are quite correct in what you say and that is
>why the design of any engine has to
>be a compromise to suit the car and its 'modus operandi'.
So where does this leave the NSU, Mazda and Norton Rotary engines(Can't think
of any others)??
Are these gutless wonders until 5000revs, or would they pull a 400 year old oak
out o' the ground on tickover?
Rich - The inquisitive(sp) - Jackson(UK Spec, High Emmisions, Zero Smog gear)