To: Triumph List, Inet
On Thurs, Andrew Mace asked . . .
OK, Ross, what were the numbers again? You'll find at least two.
Looking from the "front", there is a casting number that would
be at about 11:30 and would be under the rocker cover. There is
also a stamped number between the (from the top) second and
third stud holes on the left side. For example, they might be
cast 304955 and stamped 511538, which Brian Swangau and I now
seem to think are Spitfire 4 or Spitfire 4 Mk. 2 heads (we each
have one).
Well, the cast no. is 507871, and the stamped in no. (it looks
like it would be a serial no.) is 515573. The cast no. has the
word "STANPART" in front of it. There are 10 head bolts, BUT,
there is also what looks kind of like a vent tube of some sort
that is threaded on the bottom and is screwed into the head
between the last two head bolts on the left rear of the head and
slightly to the right towards the center of the head (if you are
standing in front of the car looking towards the rear - at least,
that's where I think it is located, it might be on the right front
corner depending on which way you look at it). Below is a rough
sketch of the head looking down from above (hope it doesn't get
garbled up going over the internet).
l l
l o o l
l l
l 0 <(tube) l
l o o l
l l
l l
l o o l
l l
l l
l o o l
l l
l l
l o o l
So, are we talking boat anchor, scrap metal, door stop? Much
obliged for all of the continuing assistance from everybody who
has responded. We'll figure it out eventually I suppose. Thanks,
Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire Mk. I, 68 Datsun 1600 Roadster and a cat named